You are not alone. If you need help, text or call the 24/7 hotline at any time.
Services available for non-English speakers with the support of a language line.
YWCA serves all people regardless of race, gender identity or expression, age, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, faith, sexual orientation, disability, or English language ability in the Greater Richmond region. All services are free and confidential.
EmpowerNet: Our free, confidential hotline for the entire Greater Richmond region.

Our free, confidential hotline is available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, with trained crisis intervention staff and volunteers answering all calls. Translators are available via language lines for non-English speaking callers. In addition, TTY is available for individuals in crisis who are deaf/hearing impaired.
Call or text 804-612-6126.
Our trauma informed specialists are on hand ready to help you with:
- Creating a safety plan
- Information on leaving a dangerous situation
- Emergency shelter
- Hospital accompaniment
- Counseling
- Case management
- Legal advocacy
- Workforce navigation
- Human trafficking
- Referrals and resources
It doesn’t matter when your abuse occurred. An advocate can help you figure out your next steps if you call/text/email.
These services are FREE.
Please call 911 if you are in danger.